Croatian Association of Experts in Nature and Environmental Protection (HUSZPO) is a non-governmental and non-profit organization, founded in 2004. Founders are respected legal entities and individuals, all practitioners in the fields of environmental and nature protection.
The aim of HUSZPO is to advance professional knowledge and services in environmental and nature protection, promote and harmonize professional interests and promote professional ethics.
The purpose of the Association is to improve the professional status of legal entities and experts engaged in environmental and nature protection. In accordance with its goals, the Association operates in the field of education, science and research; protection of nature, environment and human rights.
- Zbornik radova (Okolišne procjene i Europski zeleni plan)Dostupan je Zbornik radova (Okolišne procjene i Europski zeleni plan).
- Obavijest 11.07.2024.Dana 06. 07. 2024. Jutarnji list objavio je članak pod pretencioznim uvodnim naslovom „Analiza Manjkavi postupci procjene utjecaja na okoliš“ i glavnim naslovom „Između interesa investitora i očuvanja prirode država, izgleda, NEMA PUNO DILEMA“ potpisan od novinarke Vedrane Simičević. Članak se prema izjavi novinarke na kraju teksta, bazira na doprinosima… Read More »Obavijest 11.07.2024.
- DAN INŽENJERA REPUBLIKE HRVATSKEHrvatski inženjerski savez (HIS) je 2. ožujka 2023. u Staroj gradskoj vijećnici održao tradicionalno obilježavanje Dana inženjera Republike Hrvatske. Skup je održan u suradnji s Akademijom tehničkih znanosti Hrvatske, te pod pokroviteljstvom Ministarstva prostornoga uređenja, graditeljstva i državne imovine. HIS je dodijelio Priznanje Hrvatskoj udruzi stručnjaka zaštite prirode i okoliša… Read More »DAN INŽENJERA REPUBLIKE HRVATSKE
(CLOSED PROJECT) ‘Public participation in environmental public hearing procedures during pandemic conditions'
Public participation in environmental decision-making is one of the most important environmental mechanisms, and special attention is paid to environmental impact assessment procedures involving the public and interested public through public hearing (public insight and public presentation). This project aims to create a framework for the smooth conduct of the public consultation process in environmental decision-making under the emerging conditions caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.
(CLOSED PROJECT) "Integrating Climate Change into Strategic Environmental Assessment"
Adaptation and mitigation to climate change is one of the main policy drivers in the coming decades. To achieve the goals of sustainable development and steps towards low-carbon economy, more knowledge, resources and capacity building tools are needed in Croatia, especially in the process of developing strategic plans and programs that are subject to Strategic Environmental Investment (SEA).